Gender Lens Philanthropy
By Jamie Allen Black
Tim Lehnart, author of this article on focuses on how gender lens philanthropists can help ease the burden that women disproportionately carry for student loan debt in this country. Because of wage gaps, women owe an average of over $3,000 more and take two years longer to pay off student loan debt than men. Everyone needs to understand – the government, the schools, the students, the corporations, and the philanthropic sector why it is critical that we advocate for gender pay equity laws and better family leave and childcare policies that will increase female earnings and allow for easier repayment of student loans. When you have a woman working in the C-Suite, your employees are happier and more productive. Google it; you’ll see it isn’t just my opinion. Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have to rely on “gender lens” philanthropists to support women but that everyone understood the value of equity in the workplace?