Daphne Lazar Price
Executive DirectorJewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance

Daphne Lazar Price
Daphne has served as Executive Director of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (Jofa) since 2019, leading its mission to expand women’s rights and opportunities within the framework of halakha, to build a vibrant and equitable Orthodox community.
Previously she worked as Development Director at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. She is also the former North American Director of the Muslim Leadership Initiative at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America. She serves on the board of Americans United for Separation of Church and State and is on the Washington Advisory of the American Jewish Committee.
Daphne received a BA with honors in Religious Studies from York University and an MA in Judaic Studies from Concordia University. She is currently a student at Yeshivat Maharat, and an adjunct professor of Jewish Law at Georgetown University Law Center. Daphne is active in the Orthodox community in her hometown of Silver Spring, MD.