Ifat Baron

Founder and CEO


Ifat Baron

Ifat Baron is a visionary social entrepreneur and innovator dedicated to transforming the landscape of economic and occupational opportunities for disenfranchised populations in Israel. As the Founder and Executive Director of itworks, she leads a pioneering nonprofit organization that focuses on bridging employment gaps and fostering diversity in Israel’s high-tech sector.

Under Ifat’s leadership, itworks has successfully developed programs that have not only empowered Arab Israelis, youth at risk, and olim (immigrants) but also positioned these initiatives for adoption by governmental agencies, amplifying their impact on a national scale. This unique approach of acting as a ‘social startup’ allows itworks to pilot and refine models that, once proven successful, are handed over to government bodies for broader implementation. The organization is currently hopeful to extend this model to support single mothers, further broadening its scope of influence.

Recognized for her significant contributions to social justice and economic equality, Ifat was honored with Hadassah’s Bernice Tannenbaum Prize in 2012 for her tireless efforts in promoting economic justice and equality for women and girls in Israel. In 2013, her global impact was acknowledged when she was named one of the 100 most influential individuals advancing the economic empowerment of women, earning her the prestigious International Alliance for Women’s World of Difference Award.

Beyond her professional endeavors, she is a dedicated mother of three and is married to Elad. Her personal and professional journeys intertwine to fuel her commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable society.