Rabbi Mary Zamore

Executive Director

Women’s Rabbinic Network

Rabbi Mary Zamore

Rabbi Mary is the Executive Director of Women’s Rabbinic Network (WRN), a partner organization of the Reform Movement, representing Reform female, nonbinary, genderfluid rabbis and advocating for their values and voices.

As part of her work with WRN, Rabbi Mary is the co-leader of the Reform Pay Equity Initiative, which addresses the wage gap within the Reform Movement, initiated WRN’s paid family and medical leave advocacy efforts, and works on issues of accountability and repair. She was named a T’ruah, Rabbinic Human Rights Hero and was a fellow with the Association for Public Religion and Intellectual Life at Auburn Seminary, NYC, studying in the Oppressions and Repair Colloquium. Participating in many national #metoo conversations, Rabbi Mary shares WRN’s decades of experience and wisdom on creating safe, just, and equitable communities.

Ordained by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York in 1997, Rabbi Mary graduated from Columbia College.