Evie Litwok
Founder and Executive DirectorWitness to Mass Incarceration
Evie Litwok
Evie Litwok is the Founder and Executive Director of Witness to Mass Incarceration. Evie says she never thought that someone like her could end up in prison, much less solitary confinement. But after she served time in two federal prisons, she founded WMI, addressing the issue of mass incarceration by placing the stories and testimonies of formerly incarcerated women and LGBTQIA+ people in the public discourse and changing the narrative from invisibility and victimization to empowerment through documentation, organizing and advocacy. She also works to ease the transition of those leaving prison and re-entering society. Evie speaks at universities, synagogues, and on Capitol Hill about her experience of denied human rights and how her connection to Judaism became her lifeline to hope. She received a BA from SUNY Buffalo State and holds an MA in Psychology from Temple University. According to Evie, “visionary leadership is thinking in big terms, realizing that I alone do not have all the answers, and pushing through difficulties and setbacks to push others.”