
Joining Together to Fight Hate

We are all heartbroken and outraged following the massacre of 50 Muslim men and women in Christchurch, New Zealand. On Monday, the Nathan Cummings Foundation sent an email to other foundation presidents expressing their outrage, not only about the attack,...

A Balancing Act: International Women’s Day

By Natasha Mayer International Women’s Day has been observed since 1911 to celebrate the achievements of women in the social, economic, cultural, and political realms and to call for renewed commitment to improving the status of women worldwide....

Why Are Women Outnumbered on the Opinion Pages?

In response to a letter from Kimberly Probolus, “A Woman’s Plea: Let’s Raise Our Voices!” in The New York Times, the paper asked readers why they thought men outnumbered women on opinion pages. Here is the response submitted by Jamie Allen Black...

Changing the Conversation about Mental Health

When Sophie Riegel first began teaching about anxiety, she was in seventh grade. Sophie had experienced bullying because of her obsessive compulsive disorder, so she planned a presentation for her class about what OCD means, and how it impacts...

An Era of Bitchification

How has it become normative for women and girls to be publicly shamed for the same qualities that cause men and boys to be honored? Women are called bitches when men are called badasses. Women are seen as bossy when men are seen as leaders. Women are...

The Best a Man Can Be

By Rachel Siegel Gillette – a company previously known mostly for their advertisements directed at men filled with stereotypical representations of men and women –  recently created a new advertisement, “The Best a Man Can Be,” which challenges those...

Israeli Law To Help Women Leave Prostitution

For many years, decreasing human trafficking (both labor and sex) has been difficult in Israel. In 2016, Yesh Atid MK Aliza Lavie, called for the government to help women leave prostitution. She lamented then that Israel did not have a law...

Immigration: A Life’s Story and A Passion

The American story is one of immigration. Many of us can trace back which generation of our family emigrated to the United States and where they came from. For most of us, our story ends there.For social entrepreneur Arielle Kandel, Founder and Chief...

Ladino 101

By Natasha Mayer On Saturday December 8th, the seventh night of Hanukkah, I attended a Klezmer music concert at JCC Harlem, which JWFNY had the honor of cosponsoring. During this concert, the music was a mix of traditional Hebrew, English...