
A Gift for Our Grantees on Giving Tuesday

The Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York usually utilizes Giving Tuesday as a day to ask for donations from our friends and donors. This year, we feel it necessary to partake in the giving.Our grantee partners are among our most important...

How We View Sex and Gender

Recent headlines have been consumed with the Federal Government’s consideration of clearly defining gender. The US Department of Health and Human Services would like to define gender “on a basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and...

Making Change From the Kitchen

Is a woman’s place in the kitchen? This outdated and politically incorrect stereotype should be looked at again. While some might be offended at the suggestion that women should be cooking and caring for those close to her, giving a woman these...

17 Organizations Working Toward Pay Equity for Millions

By Stephanie Blumenkranz On Wednesday, September 26th, JWFNY President Debbie Cosgrove and I spoke with the Reform Pay Equity Initiative, a project funded by JWFNY that addresses the gender wage gap throughout Reform Jewish institutions....

Teshuva and #MeToo

By Rachel Siegel On the eve of Yom Kippur, the idea of teshuva or repentance was on my mind. How can I improve myself to treat others in the way that they deserve to be treated? This past year has been defined by the #MeToo movement,...

June 21, 2018 Statement on Family Separation

Women’s Funds and Foundations across the U.S. and beyond condemn the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy and the continued detention of immigrant families. While the new executive order issued by the Trump...

Local Foundation; International Impact

In honor of International Women’s Day, the Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York would like to introduce you to a few of the powerful Jewish women social entrepreneurs we fund through our international grantmaking. Inspired by their Jewish...

Women Changing the World – One Issue at a Time

By Madelyn Bucksbaum Adamson and Stephanie Blumenkranz From left to right: Shira Berkovits, Ilana Ruskay-Kidd, Rachel Zaslow, and Aliza Mazor. We have all heard about them – people who saw a problem and took the leap to devote their lives to...

Revealing #MeToo as #WeToo in Jewish Communal Life

By Ayelet Kalfus The night started with song. The words of Shehecheyanu, the Jewish blessing for gratitude at experiencing something new, washed over the crowd as Naomi Less sang: “Blessed are You who has enabled us to reach this moment.” We...